Lectures given by the Institute for Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Research (IMSF)

Every Monday at 11.30 a.m. our Neuroimmunological Seminar takes place in the 3rd floor conference room of Von-Siebold-Str. 3a. W. Every second month in this timeslot a group leader gives a lecture focusing on basic principles of neuroimmunology, to which interested persons are very welcome.

Further, we are involved in teaching in modules in the following courses of study: Neuroscience, Molecular Medicine, and Developmental, Neural, and Behavioral Biology (DNB). Below are links to PDF versions of the current lectures. Interested students can obtain the relevant log-in details from their lecturer/tutor.

Important contact details at once glance

You would like to make an appointment to speak with one of the group leaders?

  • Francesca Odoardi: 0551 39 61139
  • Dmitri Lodygin: 0551 39 61141
  • Fred Lühder: 0551 39 61140

You would like general information?

Catherine Ludwig / Secretariat Prof. Flügel: 0551 39 61158

You would like to contact one of institute’s scientists?

  • PostDoc office: 0551 61142
  • PhD office: 0551 39 61143 (oder -61144)